This Article provides you with tips to create a concise and effective negotiation checklist and the key points you should consider when negotiating a lease in a multi-tenant office building.
This Article also highlights key provisions you should pay close attention to often found in office leases.
At initial glance, a 20, 30 and sometimes 40 page commercial office lease agreement may seem daunting. However, with a properly drafted checklist, a savvy negotiator can swiftly navigate this legal document by making sure that all of the key provisions of the lease have been accounted for (or at least, that you know what you are getting yourself into before you are bound by its terms). A wise person once said, “Organization is the key to success.”
A good summary or checklist can be a useful tool for tenants to:
- Keep track of on-going lease negotiations.
- Quickly reference the key provisions in your lease.
- Summarize the final key terms of your final executed lease.