As you know, in today’s real estate market, everything that is listed on the multiple listing services is available to be seen on hundreds of duplicated websites at no cost to you. Independent surveys state that over 95% of buyers search the Internet to find a home. Virtually no one surveyed said their agent found them a home that they had not seen on the Internet or by driving around. If you are one of the over 95% of the buyers out there doing their own homework, we figure why not pay you for your efforts so that you save money on your transaction closing costs.
Serving the Next Generation of First-Time Home Buyers
Today, Millennials (even Gen X and Gen Y) prefer to research information online or through their friends. Our clients are savvy home buyers. They’re involved in their search and know what they want. They don’t need an agent to look on the Internet for new listings. There are plenty of online tools they can use for that. They don’t need an agent to drive them all over town every weekend. And, they certainly don’t want to pay a full commission just to close the deal. Buyers want someone who is on their side and who is hired to represent their interests.
How does the Real Estate Consulting Model Work?